How to Contribute to Spinnaker Documentation on

Nikema Prophet
The Spinnaker Community Blog
2 min readAug 4, 2021


The purpose of this blog post is to highlight the existing documentation contributor guidelines.

To propose a change to the Spinnaker website, make a GitHub Pull Request. Make sure to adhere to the style guide and code of conduct.

Once you are ready to contribute, you can get it onto the site in one of two ways:

Make a change using a local clone


Make a change using the GitHub web UI

When your pull request is opened, it will need to be reviewed and approved before your changes are merged and go live.

If your pull request in the website repository isn’t getting attention, first try requesting a reviewer (you can request me with the username nikema-armory).

Demo of requesting a reviewer on

Another way to get attention is to post in the #sig-documentation or #sig-contributor-experience channels on the Spinnaker Slack workspace. Link to your pull request and let us know that it needs a review.

Any Questions?

If you have questions about any part of the contribution process, let us know either with a comment on this post or in Slack.



Mom, founder of PopSchools, Inc., artist, developer. Neurodivergent and socially awkward. I’m doing my best.